Exploring Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Congratulations! You’re expecting a little miracle, and your body is working wonders to create that new life. But with all the changes happening, aches and pains might become uninvited guests, especially in your back.

If you’re wondering if chiropractic care can offer relief and support during this beautiful yet demanding journey, you’re not alone. Let’s explore the potential benefits and considerations of chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Chiropractic care involves maintaining the health of the spinal column, discs, nerves, and bone structure without the use of medicines or surgery.

It encompasses the practice of realigning joints in the body, particularly in the spine, to alleviate stress on spinal nerves and enhance overall bodily well-being.

Is chiropractic treatment during pregnancy considered safe?

All chiropractors are educated to treat pregnant women. Chiropractors commonly provide routine therapy for women who are pregnant or attempting to conceive, focusing on their fertility and prenatal wellbeing.

There are no documented reasons to avoid chiropractic therapy during pregnancy.

Some chiropractors have a particular focus on pregnancy and postnatal care and pursue extra training. Here are specialized titles for chiropractors who have pursued further education in the areas of infertility and pregnancy wellness:

DACCP – Diplomate with ICPA indicating the most advanced degree of instruction

CACCP – Certified by the ICPA indicating further education

ICPA member expressing particular interest

Webster Certified – educated to particularly address pelvic balance during pregnancy

Chiropractors who have received training to treat pregnant women may utilize tables that can be adjusted to accommodate a pregnant woman’s body. Additionally, they will employ procedures that minimize unnecessary pressure on the abdomen.

A chiropractor with expertise in the care of pregnant women will also provide you exercises and stretches that are safe to do while you are pregnant.

What are the benefits of receiving chiropractic therapy during pregnancy?

Throughout pregnancy, various physiological and endocrinological changes take place to prepare for the development of the baby.

The following modifications can lead to an improperly positioned spine or joints:

Prominent belly and heightened spinal curvature

Alterations in the pelvic region

Changes in posture

Another reason to seek chiropractic care during pregnancy is to achieve pelvic balance and alignment.

If the pelvis is not properly positioned, it could limit the space for the growing infant. This limitation is referred to as intrauterine constraint.

An improperly positioned pelvis may also hinder the baby from assuming the optimal position for birth.

This can impact the mother’s capacity to have a normal, non-intrusive birth. Breech and posterior positions can disrupt the natural progression of labor and result in interventions like c-sections.

The nervous system is the primary communication channel for all the body systems, including the reproductive system. Maintaining proper spinal alignment enhances overall bodily efficiency.

Advantages of Receiving Chiropractic Treatment while Pregnant?

Chiropractic treatment during pregnancy can offer advantages for pregnant women.

Possible advantages of receiving chiropractic treatment while pregnant include:

Keeping a more healthful pregnancy

Managing feelings of queasiness

Decreasing the duration of labor and delivery

Alleviating discomfort in the back, neck, or joints

Avoiding a possible cesarean birth

How about Chiropractic Treatment for Breech Births?

Larry Webster, D.C., the deceased founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), created a particular chiropractic analysis and adjustment that allows chiropractors to achieve balance in the pelvis of pregnant women and minimize excessive strain on their uterus and supporting ligaments.

This well-balanced condition in the pelvis has been clinically demonstrated to enable ideal fetal placement. The method is referred to as the Webster Technique.

Some people think it typical for a baby to be in a breech position until the third trimester. Many birth practitioners do not consider breech presentations as a problem until a patient reaches 37 weeks of pregnancy. About 4% of pregnancies end with a breech presentation.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics stated in the July/August 2002 edition that there was an 82% success rate of newborns turning vertex when chiropractors performed the Webster Technique.

Additionally, the findings from the study indicate that it would be advantageous to administer the Webster Technique during the eighth month of pregnancy, when a woman is experiencing a breech presentation.

At present, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) suggests that women should undergo chiropractic care during pregnancy in order to achieve pelvic balance and enhance the space available for the baby’s development.

When the pelvis is balanced, newborns are more likely to position themselves correctly for birth, which can help prevent the complications and concerns associated with breech and posterior presentations.

Optimal baby placement during birth also prevents dystocia (difficult labor) and, as a result, leads to smoother and safer deliveries for both the mother and baby.

Chiropractors and Pregnancy

As more women are looking for the advantages of chiropractic treatment during pregnancy, more healthcare practitioners are looking for qualified chiropractors in their regions to send their pregnant patients to.

Talk about these choices with your healthcare physician. If they are not already acquainted with chiropractic care during pregnancy, suggest that they learn more about its numerous advantages.

Above all, look for alternatives that encourage your body’s inherent talents to operate and discover a group of professionals who are considerate of your decisions.


Remember, you’re the captain of your pregnancy journey. Explore your options, weigh the potential benefits and risks, and ultimately decide what feels right for you and your baby.

Talking to your doctor and doing your research can empower you to make informed choices about your well-being during this special time.






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